Monday, 5 March 2012


Sitting in my usual coffee shop (Cafe Nero), but there is a very annoying parent with her little girl.  Girl is just wandering around and occasionally throwing a tantrum with mother yelling at her constantly. Anyway - this is what I've been up to 

Yesterday I spent the day in Winchester which is a very lovely little town.  Unfortunately the weather was awful, it snowed and rained pretty much all day.  Winchester has a very beautiful cathedral.  Jane Austen is actually buried in the castle, so you get to see her grave which is pretty neat. 

Went straight from Winchester to Salisbury yesterday.  Unfortunately everything closes early on Sundays so when I got here there wasn't much to do.  Managed to find the Youth Hostel, which always seems to be miles from the city center. Then I went for a walk, found a pub which was not very nice.  Today I got up early and hopped on the bus to see Stonehenge then did the Salisbury Cathedral when I got back. 

Salisbury Cathedral is sort of interesting - it has ties to Sudan and has a chapel dedicated to Sudan.  It also has a chapel dedicated to Amnesty International.  AND it holds one of the original copies of the Magna Carta.  During one of the world wars, Salisbury was never bombed because the planes used the cathedral as a marker to know where they were.  Salisbury and the surrounding area was also used to train fighter pilots and in WWI it was used as a training ground for the military.  

Going to Bath tonight!

I have plenty more pictures but once you've seen one you've seen them all really! 

Salisbury Cathedral - the left part is under construction

From the inside

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