Wednesday, 7 March 2012


Bath from the hill where the hostel was
My future home in Bath
Bath is the best place I've been so far. It's almost like being in Italy.  All the buildings are made out of Bath stone and are built in a roman style - pillars and triangles and symmetry and what not. Yesterday was a very busy day.  I was the first one into the Roman Baths at 9am - good thing too because when I came back in the afternoon there was a huge line.  It was actually really cool, I got to see everything without the crowds, at one point I was the only one there.  The baths are incredible.  At the end you get to drink the water from the spring, which is not very good because it has so many minerals in it, but apparently its supposed to make you live longer - so drink up.

Roman Baths museum from the outside

The baths from the balcony

Beautiful view - that's Bath Abbey

Baths from the ground floor - this would have been the main swimming pool , there are  hot rooms for other treatments that come off this room

This duck had laid her egg in the water!

A cold pool for healing

This one is a religious site - for the Goddess of Bath only - no swimming allowed 

After the baths I did a free walking tour which was a good way to see the city.  The tour guide was a local Bathian and showed us things that I would probably not have gone to see otherwise.  Bath actually has a new spa that's been built around two of the other hot springs.  Next time I'm here I'll have to check it out :P

Bath Abbey 
The Royal Crescent where all the rich people lived (and still do) - there is a hotel there and it costs something like 300 pounds for one night.  A couple of the houses are privately own, needless to say they go for a couple of billion. 

Then Bath Abbey - which was nice, it's very bright unlike most other cathedrals.

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